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Adjusted company policies coronavirus

The coronavirus has taken a grip on our country and beyond. To prevent further spreading of the virus, the Dutch Government decided additional measures throughout the Netherlands have and will be taken. Schools and childcare facilities will close until Tuesday 28th of April. The same applies to eating- and drinking establishments and sports- and fitness clubs.

People are called upon to work from their homes as much as possible and keep 1.5 meters apart. We have adjusted our company policies in compliance to the RIVM guidelines. Half of the employees work from home, in the office we are well spread and all business meetings have been cancelled.

Times of crisis bring uncertainty. There is no ideal solution, but by showing understanding for each other and helping each other we go a long way. We will do our utmost to provide the Jordex service you are used to and we will be at your service by (mobile) phone and e-mail.

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