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Blog Kim: final sprint to 2018

The summer has come to an end and the beginning of 2018 is already in sight. The last quarter of the year is in full swing and it is time for a final sprint.

Earlier this month, I travelled to Valencia for the EAA Europe meeting. EAA stands for Europe Asia Alliance, the agents’ network of which Jordex is one of the founding members. In addition to the annual meeting which gathers all members of the EAA, there are also separate Europe and Asia meetings once a year.

Not only was it good seeing our partners again in person, the EAA meetings are also very valuable for gaining market knowledge, hearing the latest developments at each of the offices, and sharing new opportunities. Each country has its own developments which come with their respective challenges- and this is where we can help each other and grow together.

Despite Abu Dhabi not being situated in Europe, Jordex Global was also present at the meeting. The office forms a hub for Europe as well as the Far East, which is why their presence was of importance.

Halfway through October I also visited the Anuga trade fair in Germany, together with my colleague Pascal de Vries. Anuga is the biggest event in the world specialized in food and food related products. The Anuga is often seen as one single event but in fact consists of ten different events that are organised at the same time and location since 2007.

The first thing one notices when approaching the various halls are the smells of the different products, including cheese, bread, meat, and several delicacies. It is encouraging to see how many enterprises are active in the Middle East or are interested in exploring the area. Currently the food industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Middle East. Unfortunately one day was not enough for visiting this tremendously large event, which in turn meant I was not able to meet with all our clients.

Now that I am back at the office in Rhoon, it is interesting to analyse the amount of requests and orders that have resulted from this event. In the coming weeks we will be following up on the leads generated by the Anuga fair, finishing off several projects, and will also start planning for 2018!

What will your last quarter of the year look like?

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