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Don't wait for special moments, make them!

Nine departments, all with of their own Christmas tree and five days to decorate them as beautiful, creative and special as possible. That was the Jordex Christmas tree challenge for charity!

For years, we have chosen to give our budget for Christmas gifts a social purpose. The Christmas trees were provided by Taai Foundation and on behalf of the winning department a donation of € 2,500 is made. The other part of our budget of €10,000 goes to the Rotterdam Fund Racers Foundation. Isn't that the ultimate Christmas thought?

Foundation Taai, because CF should be curable! A life expectancy of forty to forty-five years is what Cystic Fibrosis (CF) patients are currently living with. Steps are being taken, but time is ticking and time is so precious to CF patients.

Sport brings people together. With this mission, the Rotterdam Fund Racers Foundation organizes (sports) events to raise money for cancer related charities. An initiative of befriended relations from the Rotterdam business community, who want to give something back to society from their hearts.

Thank you for your loyalty, trust and the fine cooperation. In 2022 we will be ready for you again. Together with you, we like to make ordinary moments special!

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