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Strict requirements wooden packaging

Will you be shipping to Brazil soon? Strict requirements apply to all shipments with wooden packaging material to Brazil. Information about the packaging material must be provided on time.

Since 2016 strict rules apply from the Brazilian port authorities and the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture. It concerns the IN 32/2015, with as goal preventing the introduction and further spread of pests in the country. The rules apply to, among other things, boxes, crates and pallets that are made of wood or contain wood.

The Bill of Lading (B/L) must state whether the wooden packaging has been treated and has the correct certificates. If the packaging material does not contain wood, 'not applicable' must be mentioned. These rules are based on the International phytosanitary standards mentioned in the ISPM 15 -Regulation of wooden packaging material in international trade.

If the above information is missing on the B / L your shipment may not be processed by the Brazilian customs and you may receive a fine.

Other countries in the region where regulations apply to wood packaging materials include Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico and Costa Rica.

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